Kamis, 16 September 2010

Constitution Day Activities

Constitution Day Activities

This Friday September 17th 2010 sees America celebrate the constitution day and is in lieu of the recognition of the ratification of the United States Constitution which was signed on September 17, 1787 by the US Constitutional Convention.

The Constituion Day Activites 2010 in Northwestern Oklahoma State University will most likely respect the Constitution Day with a conversation evaluation and complimentary for both US Constitution and Costa Rican Constituion. The activites will be open to the public for free which will happen until Monday, September 20 at the Ranger Room. Dr. Aaron Mason will be the presenter of the Costa Rican Constitution. People will also be given the opportunity to sign the Constitution on Montpelier’s front portico, just located below the 2nd floor of the library where Madison researched past democracies and drafter the Virginia Plan. There will definitely be plenty of places to visit to help you honour the event.

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