Jumat, 26 November 2010

cardio workout program

cardio workout program

Insanity: The Ultimate Cardio Workout and Fitness DVD Program

Shaun T's insanity workout is in a class all it's own. The results that can be gained from this program in just 60 days can't be equalled by any other method. The max interval training techniques are far ahead of all the other fitness programs designed and can help you get a lean, muscular body in a short space of time.

The Insanity Workout is a difficult workout, but the results are phenomenal. Brand New, Factory Sealed Box Set. Complete set includes a nutrition guide, calender to track your progress, and 10 intense DVDs that all contain a GREAT workout. You don`t need exercise equipment. All you need is just a little space and a big heart! You will receive: -Elite Nutrition Manual -Fitness Guide -Fit Test Tracker -Workout Calendar 10 Insanity Workout DVDs 1: Dig Deeper & Fit Test: To start, Shaun T will put your body to the test and see what you're made of. 2: Plyometric Cardio Circuit: Burn fat with intervals of intense lower-body plyo and sweat-inducing cardio. 3: Cardio Power & Resistance: Build lean muscle and upper-body definition with strength-training and insanity workout power moves. 4: Cardio Recovery: Shaun T goes easier on you once a week so you're ready for the next Insanity Workout round. 5: Pure Cardio & Abs: Skip the intervals-this nonstop cardio workout is all extreme. 6: Cardio Abs: Do explosive intervals of cardio and core moves for rock-hard abs. 7: Core Cardio & Balance: Take a break after month 1 of the Insanity workout and gear up for month 2 with this workout. 8: Max Interval Circuit: The interval circuit that's more intense than anything you've ever done before. 9: Max Interval Plyo: Push your legs 'til they beg for mercy with power and plyo, all at your MAX. 10: Max Cardio Conditioning & Abs: Get pushed to your limit with this extreme cardio workout

Amazon customer review: "Okay, I'm 54 and have run regularly, lifted weights but couldn't get the reduction in inches and bodyfat that I wanted. I did P90X in the summer and a month of P90X+. Great programs that got me into the consistent routine of early morning (5 AM) workouts and built overall strength, coordination, and flexibility. With a 2 pound weight loss, but, I admit I was not very careful with the nutrition plan.

Enter Insanity. I cut out white[flour]bakery products, sweets, sweetened drinks, all sodas, and desserts except for once a week. Then I started the craziness. There's no need to tell what's in the package, others have done that. Let me say I lost 12 pounds and an inch and a half off my waistline in 60 days. This on a frame my family and friends said had nothing to lose.

This program works if you follow it. Don't worry about keeping up with the folks on the video because NONE of them do all of the routines to completion on any of the DVDs. You do your best at YOUR pace but it has to be your BEST. It never gets easier because as you get more conditioned, you do more repetitions. You must do the Fit Test because you WILL see improvements and the test won't lie and it will keep you motivated.

It's not easy but it works. Nothing worthwhile is easy so why should this be different? You have to be in decent, not great, shape, and follow the warnings about injuries and other potential health problems because it is a serious workout. But if you get the green light and you stick with it, you won't regret it. There's nothing to it but to do it.

PROGRAM UPDATE: I have completed another four cycles since this first review. I have added some variations such as some running and weight workouts. STILL, I cannot do ANY Insanity routine all the way through without taking a break a couple of times. It's not the agony of when I first started but it's still hard and remains a challenge to keep doing. However, I feel better than I ever have in terms of conditioning and stamina and so does my wife who has started and continued this program after I finished my first cycle."

So definitely a great buy for those who want to try a new fitness regime and one that guarantees big results.

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